5 Fool-proof ways to generate reviews for your romance novel

As an author, nothing is more satisfying than finishing a book and seeing it published. However, what’s even more fulfilling is knowing that readers are enjoying and loving your book. Having positive reviews is crucial for not only increasing sales but also building your author brand and credibility. If you’re struggling to garner reviews for your book, don’t worry, this blog post will guide you on how to generate reviews.

1. Utilize social media platforms

Social media is an excellent tool for promoting your book and getting reviews. Utilize platforms such as X, Facebook, and Instagram to connect with readers and ask for reviews. You can also create a hashtag for your book and encourage readers to use it when posting reviews. This makes it easier for you to track reviews and repost them on your page, increasing your visibility to potential readers.

As a marketer, I can promise you it is not necessary to be on all the social platforms. Decide where your readers are hanging out and focus on those platforms. I spent several years building a following on X, only to determine that sales and engagement were primarily coming from Instagram and Facebook. So while I still keep my presence on X, I focus my marketing efforts on Instagram and Facebook. Test, test, test and determine what works best for you.

2. Reach out to book reviewers and book bloggers

There are numerous book reviewers and bloggers out there who are eager to review books and share their opinions with their followers. Reach out to them and ask if they’d be interested in reviewing your book. However, be mindful and respectful of their time as they receive many review requests daily. Make sure to read their book review policies and only send requests to those who are interested in your specific genre.

3. Create a launch team

    A launch team is a group of people who are enthusiastic about your book and willing to support and promote it on launch day. These people usually receive an early copy of your book and leave reviews on sites such as Amazon and Goodreads. You can recruit members by reaching out to your email list, social media followers, and even close friends and family members. Make sure to give them clear instructions on how to leave reviews and offer incentives such as a free signed copy of your book or exclusive access to a Q&A session.

    4. Participate in book clubs

    group of people reading book sitting on chair
    Photo by Helena Lopes on Pexels.com

      This is a tough one for me, as it’s always a bit daunting to put yourself out there! But joining or starting a book club is an excellent way to generate reviews for your book and connect with readers. Reach out to local book clubs in your area (a good resource is to start with your local library), and offer to participate in discussions and Q&A sessions. This helps build relationships with potential readers and encourages them to purchase and review your book. Additionally, these book clubs often have online platforms such as Facebook or Goodreads, where you can also connect with readers who may not be local.

      5. Offer ARC’s and giveaways

        Advance Reader Copies (ARCs) are pre-published copies of your book that are given to bloggers, reviewers, and influencers in exchange for reviews. You can also host a giveaway on social media platforms, where readers can win a free copy of your book in exchange for leaving a review. Not only does this generate reviews, but it also creates buzz around your book and encourages others to purchase and read it.

        white ceramic teacup with saucer near two books above gray floral textile
        Photo by Thought Catalog on Pexels.com


        Reviews are essential for the success of any book, and as an author, it’s crucial to generate them. Amazon won’t even begin to promote your book more heavily until your book hits at least 25 reviews! By utilizing social media platforms, reaching out to book reviewers and bloggers, creating a launch team, participating in book clubs, and offering ARC’s and giveaways, you can increase the number of reviews for your book. However, when asking for reviews, remember to always be respectful, kind, and appreciative of the reader’s time and effort.

        What other methods have you found to generate reviews? Drop me a line in the comments below. I’d love to try something new!





        2 responses to “5 Fool-proof ways to generate reviews for your romance novel”

        1. AJ Helms Avatar

          Reviews are so important for so many reasons and these are great tips for getting them! Thanks for sharing them.

          1. kcameron9767 Avatar

            Agreed! Amazon’s algorithm favors lots and lots of reviews. : ) The struggle is real!

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